One Best Oral or Poster Presentation will be selected from each session, and the Best Presentation Awards wil be announced at the end of each session.
Presentation List for ICBBE
2024 11th International Conference on
Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering
(ICBBE 2024), Osaka, Japan (Online&Offline),
November 8-11, 2024
Oral Session
FLED: a Full-Length eccDNA Detector for Long-Reads Sequencing Data
Fuyu Li, Wenxiang Lu, and Yunfei Bai
Southeast University
Hardware Implementation of Image Processing Morphological and Convolution
Operations as SoC on FPGAs
Alfred Moussa, Richard Groves, and Nader Rafla
Boise State University
Advanced Medical Image Reconstruction Using the Dual Encoder Split Path
Autoencoder (DESPAE) Architecture
Khatereh Mohammadi, Oussama Hadoune, and Samir Belhaouari
Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Impact of Personalized Mass Distribution on the Spinal Load Predictions of Rigid
and Flexible Thorax Models during Forward Flexion
Muhammad Abdullah, Abdul Aziz Hulleck, Dominika Ignasiak, Tao Liu, Navid
Arjmand, Kinda Khalaf, and Marwan ElRich
Khalifa University
Interpretable SincNet-Based Spatiotemporal Neural Network and its Application in
Seizure Prediction
Baolian Shan, Haiqing Yu, Yongzhi Huang, Minpeng Xu, and Dong Ming
Tianjin University
Ensemble-Based Brain Tissue Segmentation in CT Scans
Wei-Chuan Chiang, Tsai-Hsing Lai, Chung-Yi Shen, Tsung-Li Mou, and
Wei-Min Liu
National Chung Cheng University
A Fully Automatic Centrifugal Genetic Analyzer for Respiratory Infectious Virus
Diagnostics Using Nasopharyngeal Swab Samples
Vu Minh Phan, Hiep Van Nguyen, Thanh Hoai Nguyen, So Jeong Park,
and Tae Seok Seo
Kyung Hee University
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation in Stroke: Postural Control and
Phase Synchronization based on EEG
Yu Bai, Zhongxiang Zhang, Ziyao Wang, Jun Liang, Meng Lin, and Rui Xu
Tianjin University
Temporal Coding of Hippocampal Neurons in Time-related Spatial Memory
Mingxue Zhang, Lingxue Wang, and Chenguang Zheng
Tianjin University
Harnessing Medical Big Data: Integrating Computational Insights for Enhanced
Patient Outcomes
Jafar Ali Ibrahim Syed Masood, Jai Kumar V, Ranjit Kumar O, Uma Maheswara
Rao K, and Parabathini Bulah Pushpa Rani
Vellore Institute of Technology
Pseudo Labeling based Consistency Learning for Semi-supervised Medical Image
Yintao Cheng, Manli Zhang, Rui Yang, and Guixia Kang
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
2023 10th International Conference on
Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering
(ICBBE 2023), Kyoto, Japan (Online&Offline),
November 9-12, 2023
Oral Session
Genetically Engineered Cells with IRES-mediated Insulin Expression Reverse
Hyperglycemia in STZ-induced Diabetic Mice
Yumin Li, Cong He, and Bo Sun
Southeast University
Interictal Epileptiform Discharge Classification for the Prediction of Epilepsy
Type in Children
Lan Wei, John C McHugh, and Catherine Mooney
University College Dublin
Segmentation of Organoid Cultures Images Using Diffusion Networks with Triplet
Asmaa Haja, Ivaylo Zhelev, and Lambert Schomaker
University of Groningen
Development and Assessment of a Cyanosis Simulator in a Fetal Manikin for
Extra-Uterine Life Support Innovation
Juliette Stephanie van Haren, Katie Verschueren, Frank L.M. Delbressine,
Merijn Beijes, and Catharina M. van Riet
Eindhoven University of Technology
Different Stimulus Visual Fields Prefer Different Stimulus Frequencies in the
Effect of Attentional Modulation on SSVEP
Siwen Wei, Yongzhi Huang, Haiqing Yu, Minpeng Xu, and Dong Ming
Tianjin University
Veterinary Ablation System Using MRI Guided Focused Ultrasound
Christakis Damianou, Nikolas Evripisou, and Kyriacos Spanoudes
Cyprus University of Technology
Network Properties Analysis in Stroke Patients Based on the Resting-State EEG
Zhongpeng Wang, Jinxiang Nan, and Long Chen
Tianjin University
Towards Practical Facial Video-based Remote Heart Rate Estimation via Cross
Domain rPPG Adaptation
Ze Yang, Haofei Wang, Feng Lu, and Qinping Zhao
Beihang University
Chest X-Ray
Annotation Optimisation Model Using Weighted Boxes Fusion
Karl Vincent Bersamin, Kyla Joy Shitan, Julieza Jane Bella Raper, and
Kristine Mae Adlaon
University of the Immaculate Conception
2022 9th International Conference on
Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering
(ICBBE 2022), Kyoto, Japan (Online),
November 10-13, 2022
Oral Session
A User‐friendly Phase Code Paradigm in SSVEP Based BCI Using Inconspicuous
Flickering at 48Hz
Minpeng Xu, Wentian Xiong, Qiaoyi Wu, Xiaolin Xiao, and Dong Ming
Tianjin University, China
Mobile Surveillance Siren Against Moving Objects as a Support System for Blind
David H. Hareva, Aditya R. Mitra, Irene A. Lazarusli, Calandra A.
Haryani, and Sebastian Aldi
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia
A Novel Method for Fusion Gene Detection using both End‐Fragment Sequences of
Long Reads
Keigo Masuda, Yoshiaki Sota, and Hideo Matsuda
Osaka University, Japan
A Quantitative Prospective Study for Whole Body‐ Diffusion MRI and PET‐CT in
Detection of Primary and Metastatic Malignant Lesions
Ahmed M. A. Abu Ali, Mosab S. T. Maree, Ahmed f. H. Ghanem, Jihad
Hamaida, Razan Odeh, Husam T. Salameh, and Mohammad Hjouj
Al Quds University, Palestine
Impairment of Neural Rhythms in the Hippocampus in Different Memory Phases
Induced by Amyloid‐β Accumulation
Xueling Wang, Yimeng Wang, Ling Wang, Jiajia Yang, and Chenguang Zheng
Tianjin University, China
SE‐ResNet Based Vulnerable Plaque Recognition in IVOCT Images
Wenliu Qi, Sihui Du, Xiaoying Tang, and Ancong Wang
Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Development of Hippocampal Replay with Learning in Spatial Memory of Precise
Goal Locations
Nan Zhu, Li Zheng, Yimeng Wang, Xueling Wang, and Chenguang Zheng
Tianjin University, China
A Comparison of Different U‐Net Models for Segmentation of Overlapping Organoids
Asmaa Haja, Stefania Radu, and Lambert Schomaker
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Analysis of Myofibroblast Transformation During Corneal Fibrosis
Yunling Pai, Yueh feng Wu, and Sung Jan
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Numerical Simulation of Reaction‐Diffusion Equations For Biological Patterns
Ramzan Ali and Attique Ahmed
University of Central Asia, Kyrgyz Republic
An Improved Binary Tomography Reconstruction
Fawaz. I Hjouj
Khalifa University, UAE
2020 7th International Conference on
Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering
(ICBBE 2020), Kyoto, Japan (Online),
November 6-9, 2020
Oral Session
High-Resolution Patterning Of Liquid Metal On Hydrogel For Flexible,
Stretchable, And Self-Healing Electronics
Chengtao Xu, Biao Ma, Deye Liu And Hong Liu
Southeast University, China
Automatic Segmentation of the Abdominal Aorta and Stent-Grafts
Bertram Sabrowsky-Hirsch, Stefan Thumfart, Wolfgang Fenz, Richard Hofer,
Pierre Schmit and Franz Fellner
RISC Software GmbH, Austria
Ramiprilat Effects on Endothelial Progenitor Cells Migration is Increased by
Human Umbilical Cord Blood-Mesenchymal Stem Cells derived Secretome
Yudi Her Oktaviono, Ilma Alfia Isaridha, Ferry Sandra, Achmad Lefi and
Agus Subagjo
Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Synthesis of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Containing CoenzymeQ10 and Vitamin E
Through Hot Homogenization Process
Sirapatsorn Chaiprateep and Parichart Naruphontjirakul
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
Voluntary fNIRS Waveform Change to Hot Taste Stimulus by Repeated Experience of
Licking A Source of Strong Hot Taste
Yuya Nakai, Shangshang Nie, Yuto Fukuda, Motomasa Tomida, Hajime Kotani
and Kiyoshi Hoshino
University of Tsukuba, Japan
A Molecular View of Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19)
Chenkai Jiang
Lanzhou University, China
An Investigation into the Allosteric Mechanism of Human Mitochondrial
Phenylalanyl-tRNA Synthetase with Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Mutual
Information Methods
Zhongjie Han and Chunhua Li
Beijing University of Technology, China
Improved robustness in Water-Fat Separation in MRI using Conditional Adversarial
Chenfei Shen, Huajun She and Yiping P. Du
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
2019 6th International Conference on
Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering
(ICBBE 2019), Shanghai, China,
November 13-15, 2019
Oral Session
Towards Tomography with Random Orientation
Fawaz Hjouj
Khalifa University, UAE
Reference-free Correction for the Nyquist Ghost in Echo-planar Imaging using
Deep Learning
Xudong Chen, Yufei Zhang, Huajun She and Yiping Du
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Low Dose Brain CT, Comparative Study with Brain Post Processing Algorithm
Hamza Arjah, Mohammad Hjouj and Fawaz Hjouj
Al-Quds University, Palestine
Exploring the Stability of Feature Selection Methods across a Palette of Gene
Expression Datasets
Zahra Mungloo-Dilmohamud, Yasmina Jaufeerally-Fakim and Carlos Peña-Reyes
University of Mauritius, Mauritius
Estimation of Gait Parameters from 3D pose for Elderly Care
Jyothnsa Kondragunta, Ankit Jaiswal and Gangolf Hirtz
Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany
2018 5th International Conference on
Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering
(ICBBE 2018), Okinawa, Japan,
November 12-14,
Oral Session
An Improved Kinect-Based Real-Time Gesture Recognition Using Deep Convolutional
Neural Networks for Touchless Visualization of Hepatic Anatomical Models in
Jiaqing Liu, Kotaro Furusawa, Tomoko Tateyama, Yutaro Iwamoto and Yen-wei
Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Noise Removal Method for Moving Images Using 3-D and Time-Domain Total Variation
Regularization Decomposition
Tsubasa Munezawa and Tomio Goto
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
The Study of Protective Effects of Low-Level Light and Donepezil Against
Β-Amyloid-Induced Cytotoxicity in SH-SY5Y Cells
Siriluk Thammasart, Kwanchanok Viravaidya-Pasuwat and Anak Khantachawana
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
Characterization of Neurotrophin in Sea Cucumber, Holothuria Scabra, and
the Possible Role in Neural of Mesenchymal Stem Cell
Buranee Lekskul, Tipok Vivattanasarn, Jutarat Saengsuwan, Supawadee
Duangprom and Napamanee Kornthong
Thammasat University, Thailand
Measurement and Analysis of Calcaneus Morphometric Parameters from Computed
Tomography Images
Irwansyah, Jiing-Yih Lai, Terence Essomba and Pei-Yuan Lee
National Central University, Taiwan
Evaluation of TT-Based Local PWV Estimation for Different Propagation Velocities
Li Deng, Yufeng Zhang and Hong Mo
Yunnan University, China
Identification of Growth Factors in Transcriptome of the Sea Cucumber,
Holothuria Scabra, and its Roles on Proliferation of Human Mesenchymal Stem
Napamanee Kornthong, Jutarat Saengsuwan, Supawadee Duangprom, Sirikul
Manochantr and Prasert Sobhon
Thammasat University, Thailand
Poster Session
Nano-Second Laser-Treated Surface of Titanium with Apatite Coating Single
Seung-Hoon Um, Yong-Woo Chung, Youngmin Seo and Hojeong Jeon
Korea Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
2017 4th International Conference on
Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering
(ICBBE 2017), Seoul, South Korea,
November 12-14,
A Multi-Finger Touchless Fingerprinting System: Mobile Fingerphoto and Legacy
Database Interoperability
Lewis A. Carney, Josiah Kane, Jonathan F. Mather, Asem Othman, Andrew G.
Simpson, Aryana Tavanai, Richard A. Tyson and Yiqun Xue
Association of Serum miR-145 with Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in
Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Pichitpon Chaniad, Paramee Thongsuksai and Pritsana Raungrut
Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
Application of Organosolv Pretreatment on Pennisetum Purpureum for Lignin
Removal and Cellulose Recovery
Danny Chin Wei-Kit, Steven Lim, Pang Yean Ling and Wong Kam-Huei
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
Prediction of Parkinson Disease Using Nonlinear Classifiers with Decision Tree
Using Gait Dynamics
Satyabrata Aich, Kiwon Choi, Hee -Cheol Kim and Jinse Park
Inje University, South Korea
2016 3rd International Conference on
Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering
(ICBBE 2016), Taipei, Taiwan
, November 12-14,
The Novel Potential Therapeutic Target for Liver Fibrosis - Intracellular
Oxidative Stress Sensor
Jing Liu and Pingsheng Chen
Southeast University, China
Development Of a Swordsmanship Machine Enabling the Inner and Outer Muscles to
Be Safely Trained While Having Fun
Kiyoshi Hoshino and Chuanhan Cheng
University of Tsukuba, Japan
Polymer Supported Schiff base Iron Complex for Epoxidation of trans-Stilbene
N. Natha, H. C. Pradhanb, Tungabidya Maharana and A. K. Sutar
National Institute of Technology, Raipur, India
2nd International Conference on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering
(ICBBE 2015), Hong Kong, August 27-28, 2015
The Fit Consideration of the Denture Manufactured by 3D Printing and
Shinn-Liang Chang, Cheng-Hsun Lo, Cho-Pei Jiang, and Dai-Jia Juan
Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Formosa University,
Optimization of a Solvay-Based Approach for CO2 Capture
Ameera F. Mohammad, Muftah H. El-Naas, Mabruk I. Suleiman, and
Mohamed Al Musharfy
United Arab Emirates University, UAE
2014 International Conference on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering
(ICBBE 2014), August 26-27, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan
Experimental Investigation on Segregation of Binary Mixture of Solids by Continuous Liquid Fluidization
P. S. T. Sai and S. Narasimha Reddy
Removal of Hexavalent Chromium from Groundwater by Continuous
Muftah H. El-Naas and Shaima S. Hamdan
Verification of GM2 Activator Protein for Potential Application as Lung
Cancer Biomarker
Laddawan Potprommanee, Kongsak Boonyapranai, Busayamass
Chewaskulyong, Shui-Tein Chen, and Lalida Shank